Monday, 24 June 2013

New Room Page

Hey guys, Mind Candy has updated the room/ loading screen! 

Your room will be in a wooden frame with scenery around it. 

This is the first time it has been updated! Although, the green gloop part has been updated a lot.

These are based on memory, so they may not be accurate!

  1. It was green gloop, but with 'Please wait' on it.
  2. It was still green gloop but had a loading bar on it with Coolio standing on it.
  3. The Moshi Tips by Chop Chop got added
  4.  Moshi Tips by a number of Moshlings appeared.

EXCLUSIVE: New Moshlings!

Hey guys, Eyesofgreen02 I am the original founders of the new Moshlings! We aren't revealing how we have discovered them but anyways, here they are!


Cater the Barking RahRah is an Egyptian Moshling. I think he'll be in an Eyptain set along side King Toot.


Splatter the Goofy Galette is a paint palette Moshling. He will probably be in the Arties.


Bodge the Artful Splodger is a paint bucket Moshling. He will probably be in the Arties too, making the set complete.


Giggles the Pretty Puffin is a puffin Moshling. She was first spotted on the Moshiedia book that will come out on November 7th 2013. Her name and species was told to me by a friend (you know who you are!) :)





She is up in the top right hand corner
(it's her figure!)

Welcome to Buddy's Moshi Monsters Site! (BMMS)

Welcome to Buddy's Moshi Monsters Site or BMMS for short. This site has been made by me, Budeyboy5000 on June 24th 2013! 
I hope you enjoy the site and please, add me on the game, Budeyboy5000!